Real Estate

Iranian Lawyers Office offers one of the nation's premier real estate practices. With extensive experience in a broad range of transactions including joint ventures, development, leasing, and financing (both borrower and lender representation), our Real Estate practice is firmly grounded in a deep market knowledge of the real estate industry.

Iranian Lawyers Office offers one of the nation’s premier real estate practices. With extensive experience in a broad range of transactions including joint ventures, development, leasing, and financing (both borrower and lender representation), our Real Estate practice is firmly grounded in a deep market knowledge of the real estate industry.

With a wide breadth of experience, a multifaceted understanding of real estate markets, an appreciation of our clients’ businesses and healthy doses of creativity and common sense, our team works with clients to evaluate, develop, and implement their real estate goals. We represent, among others, developers, REITs, lenders, public institutions and other nonprofits, corporations, and institutional investors. We regularly work in the related areas of tax, securities, environmental law, bankruptcy, government contracts, international transactions, litigation, and other relevant fields.




In the ever-changing economic environment, tax regimes similarly evolve. Today, governmental efforts to increase or maintain tax revenue levels pose new and difficult challenges for tax planning and dispute resolution.

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The global construction and engineering market is undergoing a period of intense activity. Projects in the Western World that stalled during the global recession have reignited, the Middle East continues its inexorable drive forward, fueled by vast natural resources, and

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Commercial Litigation

Commercial disputes around the world are becoming more difficult to navigate. Expanding international businesses, changing regulatory requirements, increasing corporate scrutiny and complex cross-border transactions are among the drivers. Regardless of origin, the stakes can be high, with a potential global

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Dispute Resolution

Global disputes are becoming more frequent and complex as corporations and financial institutions continue to enter new markets against a backdrop of tighter regulatory scrutiny, higher accountability standards and intense competition.

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